Pendletyn & Bromptyn

Literary Press

Featured Novel

Aulisyn by Erzsebet Carmean

A dual-timeline novel of psychological suspense fueled by witchcraft, abuse of technology, and a heroine from the Middle Ages.

Dowry negotiations for Eliza’s handfasting are underway when her sister discovers a fence beyond which girls speak of wonders. When a series of catastrophes befalls the demesne, witchcraft is suspected. Eliza prays for the strength to protect her sister from accusations, a prayer granted in the strangest way possible.

Bellumfort Institute is preserving humankind’s past in high-fidelity, interactive simulations. The verisimilitude of the simulations requires the emotional input of girls raised in historically accurate conditions – girls like Eliza. Her medieval ethos collides with the arrogance of the Institute’s mission and unveils multifaceted cruelty disguised as a common good.

With remarkable women, searing vengeance, and the annihilation of self, Aulisyn is an unsettling dual-timeline novel that dissolves the barrier between “now” and “then” to challenge an insidious horror that transcends epochs.

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Our mission is to publish novels with intriguing narrative structures, exceptional dialog, and even more exceptional heroines.

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